Sunday, February 26, 2012

What were the main causes of inter war unemployement in Britain?

Britain went off the gold standard as a result of finaincing its participation in the First World War. In an effort to return to the standard the value of the economy was under serious pressure, which drove unemployment up.

Whilst the US supported the aim of reflating the UK economy the result was that many econmomies overheated until the situation was untenable resulting in the Wall Street Crach of 1929 which reverberated around the world casing the Great Slump and worsening the unemployement situation.What were the main causes of inter war unemployement in Britain?No jobs.What were the main causes of inter war unemployement in Britain?A major factor was the Treaty of Versailles in which the Germans had to make war reparations to the Allies.

Their currency was worthless so this was done by giving raw materials such as iron and coal to the Allies free of charge.

This depressed the demand for British coal and iron and led to wage cuts in those industries..

This was the trigger for the General Strike of 1926 which the coal miners lost after suffering for one year.

Then came the Wall Street Crash when Stock Markets plummetted in value and caused widespread unemployment throughout the world,What were the main causes of inter war unemployement in Britain?Same as they are now. Limited resources and overpopulation.What were the main causes of inter war unemployement in Britain?
The Great depression (1929 - 1932) triggered by the Wall St Crash, which led to a drop in International trade, and a rise in Isolationism.

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