Same bigots were against both too.How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?It isn't.
People who try to legislate their morality should stop. Live the way you want to live and leave others alone.
I may not understand homosexuality but many people don't understand things I believe in either. We need to let people be FREE.
That goes for both Conservatives and Liberals.How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?
I believe this stems from blanketed terms surrounding marriage.
Most people state that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. There is no qualifier of "a white man and a white woman."
Personally, I think bans against both are silly. Why can't one just as easily say that marriage is the union of two people? No rational human argues that homosexual people aren't really people.How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?Probably because the religious definition of marriage is "1 man and 1 woman" not "1 white man and 1 white woman" or "1 man and 1 man". Marriage is the church's turf. The state has no room to say what is legal or not legal for marriage. The church defines it.
In terms of benefits and recognition, gays most certainly should be allowed to have unions that are recognized by the government. But you can't say it's marriage (by the government) because the church says it's not.
The states which banned interracial marriage had created a per se illegitimacy of bi-racial children, because at the time, there was such a thing as illegitimate children. When gay unions can produce offspring, it might be similar.
Constitutionally, they are different in that there had previously been amendments dealing with the equality of people based on race. There exists no such amendment about homosexuals.How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?It’s pretty clear that the homosexual movement’s obsession with marriage is not because large numbers of them actually want to marry each other. Research shows that homosexual relationships are fundamentally dysfunctional on many levels, and “marriage” as we know it isn’t something they can achieve, or even desire.How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?
Because homosexuals both have penises..... and lesbians both have vagina.
Pretty simple concept.
Pretty demeaning to those that have struggled for civil rights against racial injustice to equate that struggle against racism to people who chose to live an alternative lifestyle.
There shouldn't be a ban on gay marriage or ANY marriage.
It's a State's issue, and the Constitution says, any powers NOT granted to the Federal Govt, are then decided by the State's.
Put it on a ballot, and let WE THE PEOPLE decide.
Oh wait, we did that.....and you didn't like the results.How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?
Gay marriage is not a God-given right. All of our rights in this country are given to us "by our creator" as stated in our declaration of independence. However, the bible does not condemn interracial marriage like it does homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22).
How is Banning Gay Marriage any different than Banning Inter-racial marriage?
A man married to another man is not the same as white with black. A married black and white couple is still a man with a women. That's how humans reproduce.
i wouldn't mind marrying a white Girl or even a black girl but I don't want to see another man married to another man.
I know its unfair so I keep my prejudices to myself and not rally against it or for it but if its up to me I couldnt support it.
Marriage is public recognition of a union. The public, in most instances where they have been allowed to opine, have chosen to not recognize homosexual relationships, which are based on perversion.
To me personally I don't think its appropriate to see two men or two women as married couple.
Political correctness only sounds good on paper and secondly as far as inter racial marriages are concerned I fully support it.
Race should never be an issue to determine whether a person should love someone or not
The differences between races are very slight. The differences between men and women are very pronounced.
The ban on interracial marriage was discrimination against people. Gay marriage is about actions.
C'mon. Seriously? You can't be that stupid. Really, you can't be that stupid.
Please let me believe that you're just trying to get an emotional response and that NO ONE is truly that stupid...
How about getting the government out of marriage all together.
God created Adam %26amp; Eve not Adam %26amp; Steve
Intra %26amp; Inter racial marraiges last longer than a 10 minute " commitment " in a men's room stall
Marriage is for procreation ......not recreation
Well, since homosexuality is not genetic, your analogy fails.
Think about it: It CAN'T be genetic because it would have been bred out of our species eons ago (unless you don't believe in evolution).
Marriage is the union between a man and a woman, not two people of the same sex.…
If you don't know by now then I'm afraid you never will
"End Libtardation" just nailed it. Great answer.
there has never been gay marriage to begin with,so how can it be banned?...
Ditto Patrick.
"Love, peace, and hot air' is reported.
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