Saturday, February 4, 2012

Should inter racial mixing with the aboriginal people of North America be discouraged?

Given that we want cultural diversity and native Amrican's are a tiny minority in the country, should interracial mixing in that community be discouraged?

When you think about it, if every native American married outside his or her race, within a century all that would be left of native Americans would be high cheekbones on their white grand children's faces and a strait hair on their black grand children's heads.

Part of the world's diversity would be lost forever.Should inter racial mixing with the aboriginal people of North America be discouraged?YES, YES, YES !Should inter racial mixing with the aboriginal people of North America be discouraged?I kinda think we all will evolve into the little gray aliens we see on TV and in moviesShould inter racial mixing with the aboriginal people of North America be discouraged?It should not be encouraged or discouraged. The point is that they should have the opportunity to choose. Also, the loss of one group would not adversely affect the diversity of North America. And as a final note, just because their children would not look aboriginal does not mean that the culture would disappear. As long as the parents try to pass on their people's history to their children, the aboriginal contribution to North America's cultural diversity will never be lost.

I know I said that the previous entry was a final note, but I have to add this because it is so obvious: you have no idea what inclusive multiculturalism is. Inclusive multiculturalism means integrating everyone into all aspects of out society. It's about destroying the "glass shield" that prevents certain groups of people from advancing. Your question has nothing to do with mine and is thus useless to me.

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