Monday, February 13, 2012

Why inter-caste marriages still taboo in India? How do we convince parents to accept them?

take them to court for discriminatory practices

the constitution guarantees the right to equalityWhy inter-caste marriages still taboo in India? How do we convince parents to accept them?Most of the marriages in India are held mainly to satisfy the norms of the society. Either they should fit the cast requirements of the uniting families or there should be some compromise on the economic standards. Not even progressive thinking parents would settle for a son or daughter-in-law from a economically weaker family even if they have to choose from outside their caste.

Many of the inter-caste marriages take place only when the boy insists that his word is final. But girls are not priviledged so, widely.

So, the parents ought to be well informed, if not educated that the life ahead is mainly of their wards and therefore the wishes of the children must be given due regard to make their remaining life meaningful.Why inter-caste marriages still taboo in India? How do we convince parents to accept them?because the parents belong to a different generation they do not like intercaste marriages.but things have changed a lot now.50% of the marriages that take place are intercaste these days.that means parents have started to accept them.right?

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