Monday, February 13, 2012

How were the 20th century wars seem to be inter-related?

Your thoughts? This is a topic I have to be write on for a history class. I'm a little lost.How were the 20th century wars seem to be inter-related?World War I: The treaties/outcomes of this war directly influenced the tension and buildup of WWII. (Look up the Treaty of Versailles, rearmament of Germany)

World War II: The outcome of this war lead to the Arms race between the Soviets and the US. (Look up Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis)

The Arms Race lead to the Cold War/fear of communism which lead the US into the Korean War and Vietnam War.

However, It gets even more complicated with the conflicts of the Middle East. Look up the Balfour Declaration and creation of Israel in 1948....which lead the continuing wars between Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinians VS Israel. Also, look up the creation of nations such as Iraq. The complications of the Middle East are created during this post WWII era....and lead to the conflicts of Persian Gulf War and current conflicts. That is a lot of history I am not writing out.

That is the extreme spark-noted version.....but these wars of the 20th century are all interrelated.How were the 20th century wars seem to be inter-related?They showed how technology separated the haves from the have nots.

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