Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?

If not, then stop comparing same-sex couples to dogs and dolphins.

People can think for themselves and are more than capable of medical, legal, and financial decisions.

Goats are not.Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?It's one of those slippery slope arguments that's meant to inflame people and make them angry but doesn't really have a basis in reality. You have to wonder just how desperate the anti gay marriage people are when their first argument is about people marrying farm animals.Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?
Yes, my next door neighbor is a die-hard Liberal, she wants to marry her cat.Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?I'm not wiener dog has been looking at me a little funny lately
Only religious Republicans in need of a logical fallacy to support their arguments.Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?Good Lord don't give them any ideas.Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?
in case you haven't noticed, the Cons on here are extremists....

they will make up any lie, no matter how unbelievable, simply to bash Liberals or anyone that doesn't agree 100% wwith every single issue they do.
I am. I want to marry that Orca Rosie O'Donnel.Is anyone here or anyone you personally know trying to legalize inter-species marriage?
What now I can't marry my goldfish?! You fascist!
I am positive there are people out there, think of Leona Helmsley who left her millions to her dog...

Then there are triad marriages, and probably plenty of polygamists lining up to stake their freak marriage claim.

If you are not a Coyote, and you love your coyote, you should just go hang out in the animal rights section, and quit asking about gay marriage. It is getting old.
Look at Barney Frank, A Democrat, this proves the libs are practicing inter species breeding. Where did Pelosi get those eyes - hoot owl?
meoooow !!!!
We compare them because they are both WRONG and ILLEGAL in most places...
its the same thing. whatch. in 10 years you liberals will want to legalize marriage to any person place or thing. just like 20 years ago when it was outrageous to think gay marriage was normal. in 20 years you will fight for it. people are dumb, they cannot think forthemselves
If some of the Hollywood stars of other species were available, I'm sure tons of gold-diggers at least would stand in line.

But, jokes aside, it's utter cruelty to think of inflicting a human onto a member of another species. After all, they have no choice in all this.

They'd obviously choose someone of their own species.

Who brought all this up?

Is it another one of the degrading things someone like that old, fat, weird demented Republican Carl Rove or that hideously monstrous Rush Limbaugh made up?

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