What are the pros and cons of such a relationship?Ramadan section can you share your opinion on Inter-religious marriage between Muslim men and Christian women?There is high percentage of divorce rate amongst marriages between Christians and Muslims in USA. Muslim men are attracted to Christian women because of their fair skin color and the sweet people skills because in their home countries culturally women are discouraged to become free and friends with men. So in west when Muslim young men get to be near young women, they naturally are attracted to them and in result they get married. Other reason is that they marry them to get permanent residence and to settle in USA permanently. But as soon as his children are four or five years old, he wants to raise them as Muslims and his Chrisitan wife wants to raise them as Christians. Those Muslim husband who marry for green cards keep their mouth shut at the time of marriage and in earlier years until he gets his green card.. Lots of divorces happen soon after receiving the green cards.
There is too much cultural difference between the two. I always
advise that Muslims should never marry other than Muslim women.. Allow has allowed Muslims to marry Christians and Jews. There was no problem when Muslims where religiously strong and Christian women were impressed by their personal character and seeing their devotion to their religion. So they converted as Muslimahs in most cases. This part is missing now. Majority of Muslim young men don't practice Islam when they come in USA for education and get involved with Christian girls doing things they are prohibited to do by Islam though Islamic knowledge is always there in back of their minds. It triggers when their child reaches age four or five. Then he realizes that he should practice Islam for being good Islamic role model for his childre and starts teaching child Islam. That is when conflict starts beween the two. I have seen many couples whose marriages ended on this point and husband lost his child (ren).
If Muslims husband looses job few times, then his Christian wife divorces him for not getting financial protection. If Muslim is doctor and is providing a good standard life to his wife and children, then Christian wife rarely wants to leave and does what ever pleases her husband. Often wives of doctors converts as Muslimahs, learns how to cook dishes of the country of her husband and tries hard to assimilate and get accepted by the Muslim community. I have seen some converted wives of Muslim doctors become so dedicated and practicing Muslimahs that Muslim women in Masjid feel shy for their own non-prcticing habits.
Since in majority of cases Muslim husbands loos their children as Christian Judges always would give custody to mother and forces husband to pay aliminy and child support. In addition if divorce happens to be bitter, she keeps getting money and also gets restraining order from court to punish the X-husband by making him unable to come near his children. That becomes the sadest ourtcome of marrying non-Muslim wife. I know one such man lost his mind and could not hold his engineering job. He used to see his children by standing in front of school. He finally went back to India. Also if Christian wife is not arguing type and does what her husband asks her to do, then marriage survives because Muslim men are culturally raised as dominant husbands. They do not ask their wives to go to work and provides them for staying home and to become full time moms.
Those Christian women who think they are equal to their husbands cause difficulties in their marriage. I never mean to say that all Muslim men are the nicest people. Like in every society ratio of good and bad husbands and wives is almost same except in case of conflicts both wife and husband complaint how both the other is.Ramadan section can you share your opinion on Inter-religious marriage between Muslim men and Christian women?
There is this Christian indonesian star who married a Muslim man, and they have 2 kids, one of them goes to the mosque and the other goes to the church.. I just find it absurd.. How can their parents easily choose which one to be Christian or Muslim, do they think religion is just cultural??.. But again, these are not practicing Christians or Muslims either.. I am glad my country dont allow interreligious marriage even tho Islam allows it..
Omar (RA) once said 'if all the believing men marries the people of the book, who will guard the chastity of the believing women'.. One thing to ponder upon..Ramadan section can you share your opinion on Inter-religious marriage between Muslim men and Christian women?no cons so far!..... we seem to b beyond all this religious stuff, we agreed a long time ago that religion would b shared with our kids, give them an open forum 2 discuss with us our beliefs, culturally, we've found we have more in common than differences,he's moroccan and i'm french-croatian,the differences we do have have added great pleasure coz we learn and try and share new things! food, music, holidays etc...2 kids latter, great relationship with the respective in-laws; by the way they are exactly the same lol!...no, i still have 2 say no cons so far!!
Might be the only way the woman ever finds out about islam.
I've never seen it work. Every single muslim/christian marriage i've witnessed....either ends in divorce....or the man doesn't actually practice islam...or the kids are taught some man made hybrid religionRamadan section can you share your opinion on Inter-religious marriage between Muslim men and Christian women?Those marriages would be nice if the Muslim men would learn to behave themselves.Ramadan section can you share your opinion on Inter-religious marriage between Muslim men and Christian women?
the children may get confused ,also it could be Good opportunity to make bond with ppl from other religions
ChildrenRamadan section can you share your opinion on Inter-religious marriage between Muslim men and Christian women?
A christian woman who marries a muslim man will learn her lesson only as time goes by.
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